Monday, April 13, 2015


so i took some time off to be with me. just a small step in the self-discovery journey i'm in right now. i will not lie and say it has been easy. it has been very hard and disruptions in my life are the very proof of it. but hey, that is how we grow as humans. at least now i've embraced my humanity in every possiblle form and i'm not running from my pain anymore. shrinks exist for a reason and i have just discovered that and oh how grateful i am that there are people who exist just to listen to our crap and not even disclose any of the info you tell them no matter how vile. oh and they don't judge. thats the best part. im typing this from the school's computer lab. with a smirk on my face. i got this. and yes, i will someday share it all with you as soon as it's all over. lols. you gotta love being me. when you read that, yopu will see what i mean. for now, the entries are just in my diary and in my shrink's head. however, i plan to write a tell-all book to divulge everything to the world. and i know my story is one to inspire a lot of people. even those with hearts made of steel. for now i'm just looking after myself and i cant wait for my session tomorrow at 10:00am.  

with that said, until next time