Sunday, July 28, 2013
Anticipation Ends
It's just like wanting to be with somebody who keeps pushing you away. It tears at your heart with every failed attempt to connect. Eventually the pain wears off and you begin to feel comfortable where this person puts you. To a point where even if they change their minds and want to "award" you that chance, it only serves as the long-awaited pathway to your unhindered freedom. Trust me.
Feelings of wanting something so bad, regardless of whether it is material or emotional or physical, do have an end. And as for why people have to wait to have something that's already within reach, still puzzles me. Denying someone something you know they really want just to keep them on the hook will absolutely work. Each time guaranteed. But trust me, if you hold back for too long, they lose interest and eventually don't care at all...
That said, this life is too short to deny one a chance of happiness and fulfilment. Live it to the full so even if you die today, you have no regrets as you walk into the light.
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R.I.P Little Princess
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
Except when I'm with my room-mate(one of the two friends I have) Lerato and I realise that she has tons of friends whom she can hang with at clubs and such places. That shouldn't be a problem either because lately I don't go out much unless she drags me out of the house(literally). Facebook was one place I made tons of frenemies. It was fun. "Was" because I'm not there anymore and please don't ask why.
Then there are people who tirelessly search for love on these networks. Some are lonely souls and probably not accepted by society. So they create new identities and paint a whole new picture of who they are for their cyber-friends. Some just want diversion. A taste of something different from what they already have in their lives. And while some may confine their cyber-relationships just there on the internet, some choose otherwise and really go the extra mile to meet them in flesh. Then we have trouble brewing.
So what happens when they meet these people? What if they really like them? Can they fight it and remain true to their partners? Now we all know if there's something one can't run and hide from, it's love. And I do know quite a few of people who fell in love on the net. And they are still going strong at it. If you're happy and you know it, then do your best to stay away from these networks because you'll never know who's waiting for you there and before you know it, they could whisk you away even if you do your best to resist.
There's really no need to invite temptation in your life. You could lose a diamond simply because you chose to pick stones.
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Sunday, July 21, 2013
When Cupid Misses The Heart And The Arrow Hit The Wall
Don't act shocked. Even you know exactly what I mean. Yes you been there and you know what it's like to put someone on the edge of a cliff and be faced with the options of pulling them back and sending them over. And you know whichever choice you make, they're dead anyway.
Might as well toss a coin in the air. Might as well take a gun, put it to their heart and pull the damned trigger. At least that way it will hurt for just a short time and it will all be over. Unlike feeding them a poison and leaving them there to die so slow that by the time they are no more, they've actually died a million deaths in one.
Lost? Ok. What I'm saying is if you feel it's over for you and them, tell them. Point blank like that. Don't go round in circles when you can stick to a straight line. Choosing the circle route aka the poison route: telling them you love them but there're some things you gotta deal with first is just plain mean and inhumane.
Love ends. We know that. Even in marriage it does. That's if it even exists in marriage. Oh well! Then again, that's a topic for another day. Right now what I need to do is apologize to all the people out there I hurt. All of those who didn't have it coming.
Especially you SNUP. It's been years since then and I admire how you took every ounce of hurt with a brave face and still lived on. And still learned to love again. But most of all, thank you for being a true friend even after all that.
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Naleli: You're the stars on my back.You'll always be with me.In life and in death.I'll take you with me to my grave.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
It's Braxton Thing
She seemed to communicate with me in ways that other artists just can't. For every mood, she has a song. And her voice....OMG! Let's just say I'm not into the screamers out there. I love the smooth sounds of women with big voices.
So let's see what you gotta listen to. I mean ASAP when you're:
1.Moving On
-Still Breathing_
-Best friend_Toni Braxton
-Love shoulda brought you home_Toni Braxton
-Let it flow_Secrets
-Why should I care_Secrets
-He wasn't man enough_The Heat
-Just be a man about it_The Heat
-Never just for a ring_The Heat
-A better man_More Than A Woman
-Hit the freeway_More Than A Woman
-Let Me Show You The Way Out_More Than A Woman
-Lies Lies Lies_More Than A Woman
-Take This Ring_Libra
-Seven Whole Days_Toni Braxton
-Find Me A Man_Secrets
-Another Sad Love Song_Toni Braxton
-Why Won't You Love Me_Pulse
-Save Me
3.Love Ends
-Breath Again_Toni Braxon
-Unbreak My Heart_Secrets
-I Don't Want To_Secrets
-In The Late Of Night_Secrets
-Talking In His Sleep
-There's No Me Without You_Secrets
-Fairytale_The Heat
-Always_More Than A woman
-Do You Remember When_More Than A Woman
-Long Way Home_Libra
-If I Have To Wait_Pulse
-The Break-up
-Don't Leave
-Love Affair_Toni Braxton
-Maybe_The Heat
-Happily Unhappy_Libra
-It's You_Pulse
5.Love Begins
-Looking At Me_Pulse
-No Way_Pulse
-Candlelight_Toni Braxton
-You're Making Me Hight_Secrets
-Gimme Some_The Heat
-Speaking In Tongues_The Heat
-Tell Me
-Supposed To be_Libra
-Hands Tied_Pulse
-Spanish Guitar_The Heat
-I Heart You_
As for the sooo in love list, check this later.
Ciao! And do enjoy.
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Friday, July 12, 2013
My Favourite Movie Quotes About Love...
1. "Love and hate are two horns on a goat. And you need a goat."_ The Help
2. "You want what everybody wants. A love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger. I want you to get everything you're looking for. But for right now, I want you to forget that this happened. Can't have people knowing I'm in town yet. Goodnight, Elena."_ Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries
3. Queen Brunhild: I waited for you. As I said I would. Sikfrid, what happened? Did you find you couldn't love a queen as well as you did a passing stranger?....or was it the gold? That has turned many hearts cold before
Sikfrid: I don't know
Queen Brunhild: Who shall I ask? Why you loved me then and you don't love me now?
Sikfrid: I didn't.
Queen Brunhild: Don't lie to me. You can not claim you didn't love me. It was your first time, blacksmith. Mine as well....and I knew then that the gods had sent you to me. And me to you. And you knew it too, does that mean nothing?
Sikfrid: That's not how I remember it.
Queen Brunhild: That you never loved me? Even though you said you did?
Sikfrid: I was a boy then.
Queen Brunhild: If this, is what manhood brings, I only wish I'd learned this lesson sooner. But it's too late now. Perhaps I should pray, that I too, will remember our love so little. Because I will never know joy again, till I forget. Or you remember._ Ring of The Nibelungs
4. "It's doesn't feel fair what I feel. I should have felt it a long time ago. When I was very young. When I could say to myself that this is how love was. And how it would be. But we have waited so long, to know so suddenly, this light, how it hurts, how love can stab the heart." _ Cleopatra
5. "What I'm trying to say is I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible and how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get or gyms you join or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends. You still go to bed every night and go over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could've misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think you were that happy. Sometimes you'll even convince yourself that he'll see the light and he'll show up at your door...and after all that, however long all that may be, you go somewhere new, and you meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back, and all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will actually begin to fade."_ The Holiday
6. "Pampinea, you're one of the most,no. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. But I gave my heart to a kiss I can't let go. If only I could forget her but I must find her."_ Virgin Territory
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Thursday, July 11, 2013
I loved one in particular and I bet it's one that most of you have been harbouring in the depths of your thoughts but never could let it hit the surface. Don't worry, you'll know it when you see it. I hope I correctly interpreted your questions. Enjoy:
1.Q: "what's your take on abortion?"
A: "I think it should be legalised in Lesotho because there're loads of cases of women dying from secretly done abortions in dark street corners and that means not only the baby but the mother is also lost in these. Whether we like it or not, people are always going to have sex. It's human nature and one can't be too careful. I personally wouldn't recommend it because I don't think it ends there. There may be emotional scars associated with it and one probably needs to see a shrink before they go ahead with it. It may be the only option on the table for underprivileged people and raising a child with no means is total cruelty."
2.Q: "What's the one thing you want to achieve out of life? Your purpose?"
A: "I have tons of those. But the most important is establishing a strong relationship with God. My faith fails sometimes and I want to believe regardless of any situation I'm in."
3.Q: "Most people think you're one of those fly chicks. They even ask how come I'm friends with you because you're too much yet you're just a simple thing. Do you think you're untouchable?"
A: "lol, they don't know me. It's all in the way I carry myself and from the outside, I'm superficial, yet inside, I'm so much more. All they need to do, is get to know me. I'm not untouchable. Ask any of my friends, including you."
4.Q: "How many men have you dated so far? And does your current partner remain outstanding from all of them or do you sometimes wish he had qualities of a few others?"
A: "The number would depend on how you define "date". My current partner's different. Better. I do wish they had qualities he has. Lol"
5.Q: "What's your most embarrassing moment in life? What would be hell on earth for you? Going without...?"
A: "It's hard to pick one. When I was in primary school, Std7, one guy in my class(think he's come out now),found a note in my song book about my then crush. It was detailed with names and all. This guy took it to the teacher who read it to the entire class and told me to bring my parents to school the following day. My cheeks were burning. By lunch, the whole Std7 block and a few other classes new the whole story and oh gosh, the judging stares. By end of school, everyone in the neighbouring schools knew. Including the guy in question, who only got popular and more girls were suddenly into him and the news kept spreading like wild fire. It only ended a year later when the results came out and I was one of the top10 students. Only then did they praise me for my brains and forget about the crush note.
Hell on earth would be living everyday not doing what makes me happy. I'm an artist and I'd like my work to be known. Most of you know I do write songs mostly. I sing as well to mention a few. It would definitely be hell for me to give all that up and still live..."
6.Q: "You've gained some weight recently, how do you feel about that?"
A: "I feel like a woman. My only disappointment in that is my bra size is still the same. Lol. And I do hope I don't go beyond size 6."
7.Q: "You have a baby, some people think little of you and judge you. How do you handle that?"
A: "If only they knew how happy and complete my life is with my daughter in it! I'm the luckiest woman to ever walk the planet. The one thing I do is stay away from negative people and I don't by any means let what they say get to me."
8.Q: "Why are you always on weaves? Is it because you can't stand your own hair? And what's your secret that keeps it looking good at all times? And for make-up, what can't you be without?"
A: ", I find them easy to manage, unlike my natural hair which I never know what to do with since I don't want to relax it. My secret is my Remmington hair straightener. Make-up, I can live without that. But when I do wear it, I totally adore my waterproof Essence liquid eyeliner and Essence Lashmania Mascara. Lol, I should probably be the Face of Essence."
9.Q: "Can you marry me?"
A: "Whoa! Is that a proposal?"
Shoo! That was fun! Kinda.
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Last Academic Year Highlights
Last academic year was without doubt the most adventurous of them all. I did pretty much everything I wanted to do. I dated out of my comfort zone and it somehow paid off(no regrets). I found time to record a few still-incomplete tracks. I travelled like crazy and somehow enjoyed it. Well I guess it was a case of realising it all depends on who you with and not where you going.
I learned a lot about Lesotho. As usual, took tons of pics. I deactivated my facebook account. I started a blog. I've met a lot of local artists. I for-a-short-while co-hosted a radio show on the Ultimate Radio with DallasT. I went out more often and made a very few friends(accomplishment). I grew a lot emotionally and musically, I'm jumping out of my comfort zone and writing and composing a house track.
The next post will show be a Q&A between me and all of you. Anything you wanna ask. No holds barred.
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Friday, July 5, 2013
Hell Hath No Fury
There'll always without fail be places where roads are inaccessible and people live in dilapidated shacks and struggle their way through each day to make ends meet. Some are homeless, some go for days on end on empty stomachs and even well-off countries like the US still fail to provide care sufficient enough with their "shelters for the homeless" for everyone in dire need.
In Lesotho, as in most African countries, you won't get to meet tons of homeless people because we have it in our hearts as a nation to care. If one relative needs assistance, at least 80% of us is okay with the idea of an extended family. We have values that strengthen family bonds while in this so-called developed countries, it's a raging war of the survival of the fittest and one man for himself. One word: SELFISH.
And just because they throw money at every problem expecting solutions doesn't make them any better, as if they don't know this is a rotten world, why not take that money and start making the changes you want to see in the world? Why trust someone with that responsibility? In most cases, these donations in form of money never fulfil their intended purposes and only the powerful and those in charge benefit from this while the poor remain poorer and hungrier and more desperate. At the end, they resort to crime for survival.
I love this country, God knows I do(I'm not saying I wouldn't go live in Paris), I love it's mountains, the rivers, the falls, its picturesque captivating landscapes...and if you're its citizen, you know what I mean. I would disapprove if in every inch of Lesotho, everybody wore modern attire. Up in the mountains, seeing the men in the fields and plains herding their livestocks and cultivating the land, wearing blankets and mekorotlo(hats), while women take care of home and cook with fire and iron pots,when they all live in thatched-roof houses built of stone; this, is NOT poverty.
When there are parts of Lesotho where the main transport mode is horse riding, it is NOT poverty. All these things are what make our rich culture. The home-made beer and festivities, we are proud of it all. And if you come to Lesotho and see all these, then don't be mistaken, we are all proud of it! So don't go to your country claiming we are so underprivileged we can't even afford a better transport mode.
And for some unknown annoying reasons, most of all of you choose to post pictures that depict your so-called poor Lesotho all over the internet and I swear anybody who's never been here thinks Lesotho is all that. Mountains and rivers. Yes I'm mad.
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Thursday, July 4, 2013
Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned
Even though some say that "two can keep a secret if one of them is dead," the power of sharing exists. Whether you believe it or not. Harbouring some secrets could destroy you emotionally. If you feel you couldn't possibly share any, ummmmm, you need help. Thanks to all the people who opened up about theirs. And yeah, some of you denied having that one secret, if you're one of those, well, don't judge those who did. And I personally don't think you don't have secrets, you just chose to take them to the depths of your graves.
"I have a crush on my friend's man. He's soooo yummy and I honestly just wanna f*ck him, you know, do the nasty! He has those lips and you know, he's just so calm and then to top it off, his girlfriend, keeps talking about his satisfying d*ck. And I want me a piece of that. He also gives me that attention whenever he sees me......"
"I slept with some guy's girlfriend and I just met him a few minutes ago. We ain't close but whenever I see him I feel bad."
"Let me think....I'm currently having sex with my friend's girlfriend, who happens to be the friend of my girl's sister. Now she's getting attached and calling me 'nyatsi' ea hae."
"Ok...I f*cked three guys in a period of 8 hours. Two without protection. Totally not proud of that."
"The woman who was the maid in my home when I was a kid took my virginity. Whenever we'd be left alone, I'd be excited. It went on for a year then she got married."
"I slept with my pregnant cousin twice and it was amazing. I always feel guilty when I see her with her husband and now she's close to my girlfriend."
"I smoked mandrax, stole from and mugged people. Went to jail. The people closest to me don't know that side of me. They think I'm this very humble, motivational rastafarian dude. Yet somewhere out there I have a rank in a gang. Maybe I'm self-destructive."
"I slept with my girl's bestfriend. I dated my bestfriend's girl while they were still dating. He still doesn't know about that. If he finds out, our friendship is through. I'm still sleeping with the girl but they are not together anymore. She's hot but I wouldn't date her because 'what if she does the same to me?"
I love you all and if you have any comments, don't post them here. Click on my profile below and leave them there under the post of your choice.
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