Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mother's Little Helpers

*If you haven't seen the movie, get it.

When it comes to telling the truth, one shouldn't subscribe to the confining rules of the tempting sugar-coating principle. Unless you work in a bakery of course.

This post is not about the movie. It's about real-life women who couldn't care less about older men even if you paid them. For some reason, the younger they are, the better. So age ain't nothing but a number, they say.

We all know for a fact that you don't have a voice when your heart makes a choice. The only option you have is to blindly follow its beat. Even if it leads you into a Ben10 Phenomenon. So, I undoubtedly believe that for some, it is love. However, for some, it's just an elusion from the hindering, obnoxiously possessive psychological repression.

It doesn't really give an all-round desirable outcome when you restrain yourself from something you constantly desire. It can only get worse as you begin to feel like a prisoner of solitary confinement. So driven by some magical internal force, thñese women finally raise a white flag and submit to their desires. And we know some of them are very happy.

Then there's another possible reason: the power struggle. It's been a battlefield out there presumably since the inception of time. Men and women struggle for power and none of these parties wants to back down. And from what I hear, what partner is more agreeable and willing to please than a younger one?

Yes, I believe they're easy to control. After all, they have a certain degree of respect owing to the age gap. Don't they? These women are simply classified as control freaks. They probably have a significant male figure in their lives that treats them like dirt and they want a man who will pay for that. Be it their boss, brother, uncle...etc. Lol. "Ha e iphetetse ka eo e e hlabileng"
Sorry I have no idea how to translate that.

Which reminds me, guys, be very careful of women with Daddy Issues. Trust me, you WILL pay for their fathers' sins.


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